I know, it is the day after Valentine's Day and I am just posting this, but we were wishing everyone a happy Valentine's day yesterday, I swear. We just forgot to tell you.
My mom mentioned that the last post was all about Ella so I thought I would post a little about Charlotte's likes and dislikes.
Charlotte Likes:
being swaddled
her sister
being in the bath
her white noise machine (make that LOVES)
being naked
Charlotte Dislikes:
being taken out of the bath
her car seat
So far she is just a wonderful wonderful baby who loves to sleep (yay Charlotte!) and really loves being swaddled. She is not loving sleeping not swaddled (ergo, sleeping on the go is not her favorite thing) but she is learning. She just started smiling and although it is still rare it is happening more and more and is beautiful!!
Charlotte and her Pooh Bear

Measuring a two year old by the height of her block tower

At what age do meals become less messy??

Ella and Daddy play Monster (roar!)

Valentine's Day photo shoot. Our photo shoots are about 5 pictures long. Charlotte needs a bit more stamina.

As for Ella, she has started saying the funniest things. I know I can not remember most of them, but a few that really cracked me up:
I offered her a taste of my grilled chicken (with visible grill marks) and she said, "No thank you, mama, it's dirty."
I asked her what she dreamed about and she said "Pooh bear and a ghost." Where were they? "At the store."