Walsh World

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Now and Then

Steph and I are enjoying having a new set of little girls and making them take the same photos their big sisters endured. So here are Melanie and Charlotte at roughly the same ages that Lillian and Ella were in the second photo.

Then the big sisters wanted in on the action!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Charlotte Likes...

Akward positions

Sucking on her hands

Her big sister

Sitting up

Cuddling with Daddy

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ella Likes...


Gathering. And by that I mean everything. In the whole house. Into one place. She is a hoarder. Like her mommy!

Baking (and eating the goodies)

Jumping on the couch (also titled Things She is Not Supposed to Do!)

Being a Big Sister

One funny Ella story - Grandpa teaches yoga and has taught Ella some yogi songs. So this morning, when JD asked her where she was going she calmly responded: I am going to meditate. Oh boy.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Picture Overload!

Ella is just finishing up "school" (tomorrow is her last day) - once a week Ella and I go to TSONS (The Sherman oaks Nursery School) for a parent and me class for an hour and a half. Ella gets used to the school, the teachers and the idea of school and prepares to go there three afternoons a week next year. That is the idea of it. But over the course of the year it has become the highlight of her week - playdough, art projects, rug time, singing, snack time and outdoor play. She loves it. And in truth, taking her there every week is one of the highlights of my week. Here is Ella at school.

A day with friends

Ella and Avery (Karen and Jon's 10 month old)

Ella, Charlotte, Avery and Maddie (Kelly and John's almost 6 month old)

We headed to San Diego for mother's day with Nana and Ella loved the ocean. Well, the sand. She decidedly did not like the ocean. When it "got her" she vehemently declared "That water is TOO wet." Yes, astute.

Charlotte (wearing Avery's hat, thanks Avery!)

Mommy and Charlotte

Mother's Day brunch

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Ella Sings

Yesterday Ella added Composer to her long list of talents. She was playing with some cards and sat down at her piano and I realized she was singing a new song for each picture. Some of them were more involved, as the exercise went on (and once I started taping) they became pretty short. It made me laugh. Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Photos from last month...

Here are a lot of photos from our April trip to MN. I am getting a backlog of photos, oops. Things are going well here, Charlotte is still recovering from an ear infection. Ella is very very busy creating the most elaborate imaginary world. Every day is filled with boat rides and picnics and watching parades. Every item in our house is somehow utilized in these sojourns so by the time I can clean up after breakfast the whole house is in the playroom and it looks like the bermuda triangle but she is having fun...

Grandpa, Ella and Jack play the player piano

Charlie and Charlotte

Leah reads to Ella

Charlotte sleeping

Charlotte sleeping on Leah

Ella and Erik watch "the little tiny people play baseball"

Charlotte's first baseball game


Ella and Jack in the tub


Washing dishes

Smiley Charlotte Bear

Nana and the girls

Friday, May 02, 2008

When no one is watching...

I absolutely love this video of Ella. I wish that I had turned the camera on earlier and that you could hear what she is saying, but while I was in the kitchen she was putting her baby, Lucy, to bed. Ella sleeps with various items - her water sippy cup, her pacis, and her fifi (blankie). She needs to be covered with a blanket (even when it was 90 the other day!). In this video Lucy is getting all of her sleep accoutrements, and Ella is using the sweetest softest voice. Look at the way she gently touches Lucy's head. I find it very endearing. And then, her moment of realizing she is caught on video! As I said, I really love this video of my sweet Ella.