Walsh World

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blowing Kisses to Daddy

The girls and I are doing well but they definitely miss Daddy! Charlotte brought me his shoes this morning and was happily playing them while looking around for where he could be? She is getting so wonderfully communicative it is so enjoyable. She has a very very funny personality and if she ever finds anything that makes someone laugh she will do it again and again! She definitely is aware of her audience (Daddy is teaching them well!).

Charlotte blows kisses to Daddy....

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Walsh Designs

Finally updated the Walsh Design blogsite a bit. If you are looking to order ANYTHING printed check out the samples available (there are so many more that are not on the site) or contact me for custom designs.


* Birthday invitations (with coordinating thank you cards available)
* Baby shower invitations (with coordinating thank you cards available)
* Birth announcements
* Bridal shower invitations (with coordinating thank you cards available)
* Holidays cards
* Notecard sets
* Calendars
* Mugs
* Yoga Mats
* Logos and Business cards

Thank you!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Now that it's HOT....

Now that it is crazy hot in the valley we spend a lot of time outside. Running through the sprinklers at Lil and Mel's house, the park, we just hosed off our kiddie pool today and set that up in the backyard. My kids don't love the big pools. They like going into them but they clutch you. Hard. Several sets of swimming lessons (for Ella) has not affected this in any way. It does not bother me, for now it just is.

But they LOVE the water. Not the big pool water as much as the bath time, kiddie pool, washing dishing water. Heaven. Both of them can be amused for long periods of time. And anything that amuses them for long periods of time makes me happy! So we spent the day today cleaning the kitchen (they helped wash dishes then did a lot of filling cups, bags, etc, while I cleaned the rest of the kitchen!), then setting up the pool.

One of the greatest benefits of the water in the backyard (the water from cleaning said pool)? More mud. More mud means more bugs for Ella to find. All in all, a heavenly time for the kids. Here are some photos from today and the last week.

Also we had an earthquake tonight.

I did not enjoy it.

Ella likes to dress up a LOT. Charlotte likes to be naked.

Partners in crime, Ella and Lil on the slide at school

The neighborhood kids in the backyard. Love it.

A sisterly moment (Ella in her cute little soccer uniform)

How cute is Charlotte?

Pensive, pretty girl

Ahh, the life of the tiny second. Always trying to see what is happening just out of reach...

Cleaning the kitchen (Ella works hard, Charlotte laughs 'I can't believe she let me make a MESS with water!')

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Funny things

Seriously, everyday these two little monkeys make me laugh so much. And of course, I vow to remember the funny things said, funny faces made, etc. I rarely do. So I try to write it down. Then I lose the paper. I actually found one piece of paper with scribbles on it, so I finally can share some of the funniest things. Well, I find them funny. Here goes.

Ella is an avid observer, as most children are. So a ride in the car with her is an onslaught of comments. Also of back seat driving at it's best (S-T-O-P STOP!!! But Ella, we are only half way down the street, I don't have to stop until the end. A common discussion. The world is filled with letters (yay!) numbers (yay!) and street signs. Everywhere. It is amazing all the signs she sees. Also, there is a lot of road construction now, which is exciting due to the amount of signs and also the questions that arise from my curious cat. (Why Why Why??) So SHE told me all about the construction they are doing:

Maybe it's the little nibbles under the street. They are little circle things. Like little balls.

Look, they're fixing the sky!

How old was Daddy when he was a baby?
Daddy is 35.
Yeah? You asked him?

I want my banana IN the bun please. (the peel)

It was a long time that I was 3. And it's a long time until I'm 4 (she just turned 3 1/2). But I'm OK with it.

Yesterday I took Ella to her first ballet (Cinderella) which led to many enjoyable comments:

The horses there are not real, they are just pretend. Horses can't dance.

Why is she cleaning the floor? It's not dirty!

She really wanted to talk to the ballerinas who came out after the show. She stood near them but was unable to actually approach them to speak. After a few minutes she turned and came back to me and said "Maybe I will tell them next year."

Here is a photo of Ella and the wonderful Mrs. Claybourne, her teacher.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Strawberry Pickin'

A few weeks ago we went strawberry picking at the farm. This was Charlotte's first experience of this, Ella's second time (she remembers the first one as a highlight of last year). Once again, many more strawberries were consumed than what we placed in the basket, and the farm is deeply cemented as one of our favorite places to visit. And this time I did NOT get a speeding ticket on the way there (those empty roads are confusing to one who drives in Los Angeles).

As always, Lillian and Melanie (and Steph and Jeff) were pa part of our day there. The girls picked berries, rode a tractor, climbed the hay bales, fed the animals, watched the little animal show and rode ponies (well, the big girls did that).

One of Charlotte's very favorite books is JAMBERRY and I could see her confusion and elation to be surrounded by the berries of her book. Sure, she gets berries at home, on a PLATE (we are so dull) but to have an unending supply was a bit much for her.

Sweet strawberry girl

With mom in the fields

Getting ready to see all of the animals (Charlotte's tiny body was quivering with excitement. And her squeals of joy are LOUD! Poor animal eardrums.


Taking a strawberry break

Favorite farm activity? Gathering teeny tiny rocks of course.


The summer of 2007 at the farm...FLASHBACK