Seriously, everyday these two little monkeys make me laugh so much. And of course, I vow to remember the funny things said, funny faces made, etc. I rarely do. So I try to write it down. Then I lose the paper. I actually found one piece of paper with scribbles on it, so I finally can share some of the funniest things. Well, I find them funny. Here goes.
Ella is an avid observer, as most children are. So a ride in the car with her is an onslaught of comments. Also of back seat driving at it's best (S-T-O-P STOP!!!
But Ella, we are only half way down the street, I don't have to stop until the end. A common discussion. The world is filled with letters (yay!) numbers (yay!) and street signs. Everywhere. It is amazing all the signs she sees. Also, there is a lot of road construction now, which is exciting due to the amount of signs and also the questions that arise from my curious cat. (Why Why Why??) So SHE told me all about the construction they are doing:
Maybe it's the little nibbles under the street. They are little circle things. Like little balls.
Look, they're fixing the sky!
How old was Daddy when he was a baby?
Daddy is 35.Yeah? You asked him?
I want my banana IN the bun please. (the peel)
It was a long time that I was 3. And it's a long time until I'm 4 (she just turned 3 1/2). But I'm OK with it.
Yesterday I took Ella to her first ballet (Cinderella) which led to many enjoyable comments:
The horses there are not real, they are just pretend. Horses can't dance.
Why is she cleaning the floor? It's not dirty!
She really wanted to talk to the ballerinas who came out after the show. She stood near them but was unable to actually approach them to speak. After a few minutes she turned and came back to me and said "Maybe I will tell them next year."
Here is a photo of Ella and the wonderful Mrs. Claybourne, her teacher.