Walsh World

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Budding Choreographer

Ella found my old music box and has begun to choreograph dances to it. I have no idea where she even learned to do this, but I love watching it, as does Charlotte. Here is one of her early morning routines.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Concert groupies

Since being back in LA life has returned to normal, and Steph and I have spent a lot of time together (we missed each other as much as Lillian and Ella missed each other!) taking the girls to fun activities in the area, and even more time in the pool. Ella is happily floating around now (with the aid of a life vest and floaties!) and seems to be feeling comfortable in the pool, which is nice to see.

Here are a few photos of the girls at a concert, where they spent the full hour dancing as close to the stage as possible - they loved it!

The Dancing Queens

Charlotte is getting so big - she is really working on crawling (luckily has not quite figured it out!) and likes to watch everything her much adored big sister does.

Flashback - Charlotte and Kait at Christmas

Although bigger now, Charlotte still loves to cuddle with Kait

Congratulations to Kait and Erik on being homeowners, YAY!!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

A few MN photos...

In just a few short weeks we have been so busy and the girls have changed so much. Charlotte is getting so comfortable on her tummy, starting to scoot backwards and looks like one day she will crawl. Yikes! She is beginning to enjoy her solid foods more (especially pears and carrots) and is still a constant joy. I have never seen a baby smile so much.

Ella is enjoying MN though she is very clear that this is not her home (as she tells me), CA is her home. She is wonderful to Charlotte, the minute Charlotte fusses Ella will sing to her and make her feel better. Her language is incredible. While at Kait and Erik's apartment she was having such a good time and did not want to leave so she placed pillows on either side and said "I can't leave, I'm trapped." She is enjoying running back and forth between the little house and Grandma's house, playing with her friends in MN, talking to Daddy on the computer, weekly trips to the library and all of the fun MN events (the children's museum, the zoos, the lakes, etc.). She is even sleeping in a big girl bed and she loves it! Here are a few new photos.

Grandma and Ella - dressed alike!

Playing playdough with the boys in the little house

Charlotte sitting on Ella's new bed in the girls' room

Spook and Charlotte in the sand at Grandpa's house

Maddie May and Charlotte

Ella and the boys at Como zoo

A photo for Nana - Charlotte and green ball!

Grandma and Charlotte