Walsh World

Monday, October 30, 2006

The Cutest Land's End Baby...

Check out the cute baby! Lillian is in the Land's End catalog and on the website, she looks adorable!! See her first appearance...


Ella is so proud of her friend!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Ella and Lillian Are Turning ONE!!

As the momentous first birthday approaches, here is a little retrospective of the past year in the life of two baby friends...

Monday, October 23, 2006

A little pumpkin and a big pumpkin!

Off to the pumpkin patch. Grace, Eliya and Ella survey the landscape...and wonder why they are being pulled about in an uncomfortable wagon in the 90 degree heat.

Our happy girl...

Pumpkins and Cheerios

Ella discovers how to open the canister of cheerios, what fun! Luckily, she was happy to help mom clean it all up.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Back Home Again

Minnesota was a big hit with Ella. She got to see her doting relatives, which is always nice, but even better she got to make some new friends. She went to the zoo with Laila, Nolan and Conrad and liked both the zoo and the big kids she got to hang around with. Later she got a chance to invade the Miller's house and play with the boys some more and they were so cute with her. When she came in both boys (who walk quite well) joined her in crawling all over the house! But the biggest hit of all? Playing in the leaves!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Fall in Minnesota

Here is Ella at the zoo with Nolan, Conrad and Laila, being admired by the boys (I think she enjoyed her time with them a lot!), playing in the leaves, and of course, helping me to unpack the suitcase when we came home...