The sweetest moments...
The sweetest moments tend to be the quiet ones. The sleeping ones. Today Ella found a dandelion and made a wish:
I wish for chocolate cake.
She found another one.
I wish for frosting.
JD and I were going to a party last night (preschool prom, so much fun!!) and she asked if there would be cake at the party and if so could I please bring her home some. She settled this morning for the candy I stuffed into my purse in the wee hours of the party...
So about that party....
We got to get all dressed up:
Hang out with our friends (Steph and Jeff are below, tons of others were there):
Slash played for us:
The Dave Grohl played with Slash and the rest of the band. Drinks were free. Did I mention I got to get dressed up? GREAT night!!!
Dear Ella,
You said:I wish for chocolate cake.
and I wish for frosting.
Grandma is coming to visit soon to make your wishes come true.
love you - and Charlotte, too.
....When they are asleep; it is the sweetest time. Their cheeks are always so rosie and their hair is all goofy and cute. Their little lips look just like rosebuds and their breath is warm and sweet. This is a special memory for me. Thanks for sharing.
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