Walsh World

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Days of Ballet

For a few weeks Ella was taking ballet (due to many requests on her part).  It is at the YMCA and we thought what a great place to learn.  Ella loved it and her ballet outfit was so cute (exhibit A below).  Turns out the ballet teacher at the Y was not quite what we were hoping for  for our just turned three year old who loves to dance.  She stands there and barks orders at the kids (I guess possible in the world of ballet but for me it was a bit over the top to have someone shouting cheater at a three year old for using her right foot not her left - she doesn't know right from left yet!).  Anyhow, Ella still happily wears her ballet clothes whenever possible and will re-enter the world of ballet at a new location yet to be determined...


Blogger The Hewitts said...

Stupid teacher.

Perhaps you should teach Ella about a certain finger to display for the instructor, instead.

2:28 PM  
Blogger a gracious plenty said...

what an evil woman. i am glad you pulled ella out. it looks like she has a lot of natural talent.

6:50 AM  
Blogger Deb Ruehl said...

What a cutie-pie!! Yes, you should definitely look for a teacher who is experienced with Ella's age group. Don't risk cramping her style. I have been waiting and waiting for a new post since election day. Keep them coming. I especially enjoyed the photos of the kids and Francie you posted on FACEBOOK.....Priceless. =o)

10:00 AM  

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