Walsh World

Monday, March 09, 2009

Disneyland (yet again)...

Yes, we go to Disneyland a lot. We have a pass. Parking is free. The kids are happy there. Let's face it, I am pretty happy there! And when people conme to visit they usually want to go too. This week Leah has been visiting us from Seattle and we went to the happiest place on earth. All were happy.

Ella's favorite ride right now is the Pirate ride. Charlotte will need therapy down the line as she has been to subjected to the pirate ride more times than a 14 month old should have been. Oh well.

On the teacup ride with Mommy....

And (Great) Aunt Leah

This time we decided to wait in line to see the Princesses again. Big mistake. The line was an hour. Charlotte was not happy.

While waiting in line to see princesses Ella discovers that sisters taste good!

Leah tries to entertain Charlotte


And then the princesses made such silly comments to Ella that she looked at them with despair.

Oh, is that Cinderella's dress you are wearing? asked Aurora and Snow White.
No, it's mine.
Are you Cinderella?
No, I am Ella.

Smiling with Snow White


Smart girl that Ella. And Mulan was smart as well.

You're dress is just like Cinderella's dress.
Do you like Cinderella?
What is your name?
I'm Ella.
They chatted for a bit. That Mulan knows how to talk to 3 year olds. I was impressed.

Smiling with Mulan

Chatting with Mulan

Lightening McQueen photo for Nolan and Conrad


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